
Server-side response object returned directly or within a successful result object from the following requests:

The collection of add-ons associated with a subscription.

The value that specifies the day of the month that the gateway will charge the subscription on every billing cycle.

Specifies the billing interval of the plan in months.


The date/time the plan was created. Returned in UTC.

The currency for the transaction (e.g. "USD" for US dollars). See the ISO 4217 codes.

A description of the plan.

A collection of discounts associated with this subscription.


The plan identifier.


The name of the plan.

Specifies the number of billing cycles of the plan.


The base price specified for a plan, formatted like "10" or "10.00".

The trial timeframe specified in a plan.

The trial unit specified in a plan. Specify day or month. Specifying a trial duration unit via the API will override the subscription's plan details.

A value indicating whether a subscription should begin with a trial period. Specifying a trial period via the API will override the subscription's plan details.


The date/time the plan was last updated. Returned in UTC.