
Subscription: Cancel

See also the Subscription response object.

If you want to stop billing a credit card, you can cancel the subscription. Once canceled, a subscription can't be reactivated. You would have to create a new subscription. You can't cancel subscriptions that have already been canceled.

  1. PHP
$result = $gateway->subscription()->cancel('the_subscription_id');

If the subscription can't be found, you'll receive a Braintree\Exception\NotFound exception.


Once canceled, a subscription can't be reactivated. Create a new subscription instead.

subscriptionIdrequired, string

The value used to identify a specific subscription. If you do not specify an ID when creating a subscription, the gateway will generate a 6- or 7-character alphanumeric ID. Once canceled, a subscription can't be edited or reactivated. You must create a new subscription.

See also