Credit Card Verification

Credit Card Verification: Search

For operators available on search fields, see the search fields page.

  1. Python
collection = == "the_verification_id"

for verification in collection.items:
    print verification.status
The postal code on the billing address used for the credit card verification.
The date/time at which the credit card verification was created.

The type of credit card verified. Possible values:

  • "American Express"
  • "Discover"
  • "Maestro"
  • "JCB"
  • "MasterCard"
  • "UnionPay"
  • "Visa"
The cardholder name in the credit card verification.
The expiration date of the credit card verified.

The number of the credit card verified.

Card number search is restricted: starts with searches up to the first 6 digits, ends with searches last 4 digits, and contains is not allowed.

The customer's email address associated with the credit card verification.
A string value representing an existing customer in your Vault that is associated with the credit card verification.
The ID of the verification.
The list of verification IDs to search for.
The payment method token for the credit card verification.


Customer Detailsanchor

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.customer_email == "",
    braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.customer_id == "cust1234"

See search fields for a list of available operators. They allow you to do nice things like this:

  1. Python
search_results =

Credit Card Detailsanchor

  1. Python
search_results =
  braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.credit_card_cardholder_name == "Patrick Smith",
  braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.credit_card_expiration_date == "05/2012",
  braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.credit_card_card_type == braintree.CreditCard.CardType.Visa,
  braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.credit_card_expiration_date == "02/16",

Payment Methodsanchor

You can search for credit card verifications associated to a payment method token.

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.payment_method_token == "the_token"

Billing Addressanchor

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.billing_postal_code == "12345",

Created Atanchor

  1. Python
search_results =
    braintree.CreditCardVerificationSearch.created_at.between("12/15/07 17:00", "12/17/07 17:00")

Time zones specified in the time value will be respected in the search; if you do not specify a time zone, the search will default to the time zone associated with your gateway account. Results will always be returned with time values in UTC.

See also