Validation Errors


Validation errors will be returned on error result objects when we can't process the API call because parameters are invalid. Validation errors contain the following:

  • code - for programmatic consumption
  • message - for human consumption
  • attribute - the parameter that caused an error


Errors are returned in a hierarchy that matches the parameter hierarchy. For example, when creating a customer with a credit card and billing address, the credit card is nested under customer, and the billing address under credit card.

  1. PHP
$result = $gateway->customer()->create([
  'email' => 'invalid',
  'creditCard' => [
    'number' => 'invalid',
    'billingAddress' => [
      'countryName' => 'not_a_valid_country'

You can get errors at all levels, errors at a specific level, or errors at a specific level on a specific attribute.

All errors on all levelsanchor

To get errors on all levels, call each on $result->errors. You can also check sizeof($result->errors) for the number of total errors.

  1. PHP
foreach($result->errors->deepAll() AS $error) {
  print_r($error->code . ": " . $error->message . "

Errors at specific levelsanchor

To get errors at a specific level, use the forKey method. The attribute will indicate which attribute is invalid.

  1. PHP
foreach($result->errors->forKey('customer')->shallowAll() AS $error) {
    print_r($error->attribute . ": " . $error->code . " " . $error->message . "

foreach($result->errors->forKey('customer')->forKey('creditCard')->shallowAll() AS $error) {
    print_r($error->attribute . ": " . $error->code . " " . $error->message . "

foreach($result->errors->forKey('customer')->forKey('creditCard')->forKey('billingAddress')->shallowAll() AS $error) {
    print_r($error->attribute . ": " . $error->code . " " . $error->message . "

From a specific level, you can also get the number of errors at that level using the sizeof method.

  1. PHP
# Number of errors only on customer

# Number of errors only on credit card

# Number of errors only on billing address

Errors on specific attributeanchor

You can also get errors at a specific level on a specific attribute. This is useful if you want to display error messages inline in your forms.

  1. PHP

Base errorsanchor

Sometimes validation errors aren't caused by a specific input parameter. For example, canceled subscriptions can't be updated. For these validation errors, we use an attribute named "base" for the validation error.

  1. PHP
$result = $gateway->subscription()->update('the_subscription_id', ['price' => '1.00']);
$baseErrors = $result->errors->forKey('subscription')->onAttribute('base');

Errors on add-ons/discountsanchor

It is possible to add, update and remove many add-ons and discounts at once. If any of the add-ons or discounts contain errors, these errors will be indexed based on the order of the add-on or discount in the request (beginning at 0).

  1. PHP
$result = $gateway->subscription()->create([
    'paymentMethodToken' => 'the_payment_method_token',
    'planId' => 'the_plan_id',
    'addOns' => [
        'update' => [
                'existingId' => 'increase_10',
                'amount' => 'invalid',
                'existingId' => 'increase_20',
                'quantity' => -10,

$amountErrors = $result->errors->forKey('subscription')->forKey('addOns')->forKey('update')->forIndex(0)->onAttribute('amount');
foreach($amountErrors AS $error) {
    print_r($error->code . ": " . $error->message . "

$quantityErrors = $result->errors->forKey('subscription')->forKey('addOns')->forKey('update')->forIndex(1)->onAttribute('quantity');
foreach($quantityErrors AS $error) {
    print_r($error->code . ": " . $error->message . "

See also