Proxy Serversanchor

If your server requires HTTP requests to be made through a proxy, you can follow these steps to set up proxies for the server-side SDK.


To configure a proxy, create a Configuration object with your API credentials:

  1. C#
var configuration = new BraintreeConfiguration(

You can then set a proxy URL and port for your Configuration object:

  1. C#
configuration.WebProxy = new WebProxy("");

To use an authenticated proxy, you can also pass in a custom proxy object with credentials:

  1. C#
var proxy = new WebProxy("");
proxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
configuration.WebProxy = proxy;

Finally, use your Configuration object to initialize your Braintree gateway:

  1. C#
BraintreeGateway gateway = new BraintreeGateway(configuration);