Premium Fraud Management Tools

Client-Side Implementationanchor

Collecting device dataanchor

To help detect fraud, use dataCollector to collect information about a customer's device on your checkout page. Device data collection capabilities are included in version 2.16.0+ of our JavaScript SDK, but these versions only support sending device data for Kount. To take advantage of device data collection with our Fraud Protection product, please upgrade to the latest version of the JavaScript SDK, v3.

To collect device data, pass some additional dataCollector options to your braintree.setup call. The following example is for custom, but will also work for dropin.

  1. JavaScript
braintree.setup(CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION, 'custom', {
  dataCollector: {
    kount: {environment: 'sandbox'}
  onReady: function (braintreeInstance) {
    // At this point, you should access the braintreeInstance.deviceData value
    // and provide it to your server, e.g. by injecting it into your form as a
    // hidden input.
    deviceData = braintreeInstance.deviceData;
  /* ... */

Available options for dataCollector.kount.environment:

  • sandbox
  • production

The braintreeInstance returned by onReady will have an additional deviceData string value. It is up to you to provide this value to your server. The most common mechanism for this is to inject the device data value into your form as a hidden input inside of your onReady callback.

  1. JavaScript
braintree.setup(CLIENT_AUTHORIZATION, 'custom', {
  dataCollector: {
    kount: {environment: 'sandbox'}
  onReady: function (braintreeInstance) {
    var form = document.getElementById('my-form-id');
    var deviceDataInput = form['device_data'];

    if (deviceDataInput == null) {
      deviceDataInput = document.createElement('input'); = 'device_data';
      deviceDataInput.type = 'hidden';

    deviceDataInput.value = braintreeInstance.deviceData;
  /* ... */

Standalone usageanchor

If you are not using braintree.setup for your integration, you can still collect device data by setting up the data collector directly through

  1. JavaScript
var dataCollector ={
  kount: {environment: 'sandbox'},

dataCollector.deviceData; /* for use in transaction creation */

You can use the teardown method to reset to a clean state; the same best practices apply to calling teardown on as do braintree.setup. In the case of calling teardown will invalidate any previously generated device data from the client session.

  1. JavaScript
dataCollector.teardown(); /* for cleanly resetting your integration */

If you choose to automatically vault a customer's new payment method, verifications for those payment methods will not include device data when they are evaluated by our Premium Fraud Management Tools. Subsequent transactions can still pass device data.


If you're also accepting PayPal using the Vault flow, you can simultaneously collect that device data by using the dataCollector. See the PayPal Vault guide for details.

Next Page: Server-side