
Checkout with PayPalanchor

Checkout with PayPal is a one-time payment checkout experience.

Invoking the Checkout with PayPal Flowanchor

Use and BTPayPalCheckoutRequest to start the process. A transaction amount is required to invoke the one-time payment flow. An example integration might look like this:

Shipping addressanchor

Shipping addresses may or may not be collected during the Checkout with PayPal flow. However, if you choose to collect shipping addresses yourself, it can be passed along with the your server side Transaction.Sale call. Look at the Server-side page for more information.

Country supportanchor

PayPal is available to merchants in all countries that we support and to customers in 140+ countries.

Currency presentmentanchor

The currency of the transaction is presented to the customer in the Checkout with PayPal flow. We support all currencies that PayPal REST APIs support.

See the server-side section for details on charging a transaction in a specific currency.

Next Page: Server-side