functions (Preview)

Import Dataanchor


We're building functions with the same proven expertise and rock solid foundations you expect from Braintree. Take a look at our documentation preview to get a jump start on what you'll make with functions.

Email to learn more.

Initialize a New Functionanchor

  1. bash
$ btfns init MyImportFunction --template=dataImport

The CLI will create a new directory, MyImportFunction with an index.js file, which you can build off of to create your function.

Write Code to Ingest Dataanchor

To ingest data you will write Javascript code within the index.js to accept incoming requests and create corresponding Braintree entities.

  1. JavaScript
exports.MyImportFunction = context => {
  const transactionData = JSON.parse(context.payload);

  const transactionAttributes = {
    amount: String(Number(transactionData.orderAmount / 100).toFixed(2)),
      transactionData.state === "approved"
        ? braintree.Transaction.Status.Authorized
        : braintree.Transaction.Status.Declined,
    currencyIsoCode: transactionData.currencyIsoCode,
    billingAddress: transactionData.billingAddress

Then, make the call and map the result back to Braintree's system.

  1. JavaScript
  return {
    transaction: transactionAttributes

Your entire function should now look like this:

  1. JavaScript
exports.MyImportFunction = context => {
  const transactionData = JSON.parse(context.payload);

  const transactionAttributes = {
    amount: String(Number(transactionData.orderAmount / 100).toFixed(2)),
      transactionData.state === "approved"
        ? braintree.Transaction.Status.Authorized
        : braintree.Transaction.Status.Declined,
    currencyIsoCode: transactionData.currencyIsoCode,
    billingAddress: transactionData.billingAddress

  return {
    transaction: transactionAttributes

Validation Errorsanchor

What you return from the function will be validated using our normal validations. If your data does not conform to our validations we'll return a 422 with errors to the calling service and log the errors to your console.

Test and Deploy Your Functionanchor


Before deploying, it is important to test your function locally. You can use the built-in testing tool to ensure everything works as expected. You can create an example JSON file that mirrors your expected inbound payload and the testing tool will provide it to your function alongside the appropriate metadata.

For example:

  1. JSON
  "orderAmount": 12300,
  "id": "076580eb-fd0d-4c69-be41-f1714f43b8be",
  "state": "authorized",
  "currencyIsoCode": "USD",
  "billingAddress": {}

And then point to that file when running test:

  1. bash
$ btfns test -p tests/sample.json


When your function is ready, make sure your configuration file is correct.

  1. yaml
name: "MyImportFunction"
type: "dataImport"
  - http:
      method: "POST"

Then, run the deploy command.

  1. bash
$ btfns deploy
> Success! ....

By default this will be deployed to your sandbox account, but you can select the production option in the prompt or run: btfns deploy --production.

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