
Shared Vaultanchor


OAuth is in closed beta in production, and open beta in sandbox. Contact us to express interest in the production beta release.

The Shared Vault scope of OAuth allows you, as the platform owner, to store all credit cards and customer data in your own Braintree Vault. You can then use that data to create a transaction for a connected merchant. This Shared Vault model delivers a network benefit to all your connected merchants, helping boost checkout conversion.

shared vault diagram

Creating a Shared Vault transactionanchor

The shared_vault_transactions right allows you to use tokens and IDs from your own Vault when creating a transaction for a connected merchant. The full list of parameters that can be used when creating a Shared Vault transaction can be found in the transaction reference .

  1. C#
gateway = new BraintreeGateway(useAccessTokenForMerchant)
var request = new TransactionRequest
    Amount = 100.00M,
    SharedPaymentMethodToken = "yourPaymentMethodToken"

Result<Transaction> result = gateway.Transaction.Sale(request);

string transactionId = result.Target.Id;

The resulting transaction will have both FacilitatedDetails and FacilitatorDetails.


Payment methods used to create Shared Vault transactions can never be updated by the connected merchant, and they can't be stored in the connected merchant's Vault or cloned via Transaction: Clone Transaction.

You cannot create a Shared Vault transaction using a granted nonce or a payment method created from a granted nonce.