Drop-in UI


Display a saved payment methodanchor

If you pass a customer_id when generating a client token, Drop-in will display that customer's saved payment methods and automatically add any newly-entered payment methods to their Vault record.

Premium Fraud Management Toolsanchor

To use Premium Fraud Management Tools for your Drop-in form, you'll need to complete these 3 steps at the same time:

  1. Enable Premium Fraud Management Tools in the Control Panel
  2. Update your client-side integration to collect device data
  3. Update your server-side integration to pass device data on transaction and verification requests

If there is any delay between enabling in the Control Panel and making the code changes, the integration will not work properly. See the Premium Fraud Management Tools guide for more details.


If you choose to automatically vault a customer's new payment method, verifications for those payment methods will not include device data when they are evaluated by our Premium Fraud Management Tools. Subsequent transactions can still pass device data.