Amex Express Checkout

Server-Side Implementationanchor


Amex Express Checkout has been replaced with the latest unified checkout experience offered through Visa known as Secure Remote Commerce (SRC). If you were previously using Amex Express Checkout, you will need to integrate with SRC. SRC is currently in a limited release to eligible merchants, and the API is subject to change. It was introduced in Android v2, iOS v4, and JavaScript v3 of our Client SDKs. Contact us to request access to the release.

Performing actions with the nonceanchor

The nonce returned to the client callback handler from American Express is a standard payment method nonce that you can use on your server like you would any other nonce. You can refer to our transactions guide for details about creating a transaction from a nonce.

Additional payment method fieldsanchor

Amex Express Checkout cards have extra fields on the payment method which show the expiration and last 4 digits of the customer's underlying credit card. You can use these values to help your customers remember which credit card they used on your website. For more information about payment methods, you can refer to our payment methods guide.

Field Name Description Example
cardMemberExpiryDateExpiration date of the card member's physical card "02/16"
cardMemberNumberLast 4 digits of the card member's physical card "1008"

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