Amex Express Checkout

Client-Side Implementationanchor


Amex Express Checkout has been replaced with the latest unified checkout experience offered through Visa known as Secure Remote Commerce (SRC). If you were previously using Amex Express Checkout, you will need to integrate with SRC. SRC is currently in a limited release to eligible merchants, and the API is subject to change. It was introduced in Android v2, iOS v4, and JavaScript v3 of our Client SDKs. Contact us to request access to the release.

If no profile data is found for the specified nonce, you'll receive a payload object that matches the following:

  1. JavaScript
  error: {
    message: 'Profile not found'
  fieldErrors: [],
  status: 404

This will be an error in the payload argument, not the err argument; this is because it is an error from American Express, not directly from Braintree.

Profile payloadanchor

The profile object contains a single field, amexExpressCheckoutCards, which is an array containing the customer's Amex Express Checkout card. There will only be one item in this array. The card will contain the following fields:


Field Name Description Example
expirationDate ^ Expiration date of the Amex Express Checkout card (may differ from physical card) "06/20"
cardMemberNumber Last 4 digits of the card member's physical card "1008"
firstName First name "Jane"
lastName Last name "Smith"
cardMemberExpiryDate Expiration date of the card member's physical card "02/16"
emailAddress ^ Email ""
smsPhoneNumber ^ SMS number "5551234567"
homePhoneNumber ^ Home number "5551234567"
mobileNumber ^Mobile number "5551234567"
dateOfBirth *^ Date of birth "1900-10-20"
gender *^ Gender "M"
expressCheckoutCardId Unique ID of the Amex Express Checkout card "159a60dd-3fd3-4043-92b6-1397dbb8c0f2"
memberSince *^ How long has this member been an American Express customer? "2008-12-20"
mrIndicator *^ Does this member participate in American Express Membership Reward Points? "Y"
cardMemberBillingAddress Billing address (see below)

* These fields are only available to merchants who have been approved by American Express for their specific implementation.

^ These fields may not be available for every customer.

Billing address fieldsanchor

Field Name Example
addressLine1 "123 Main St"
addressLine2 "Suite 123"
addressLine3 "Unit A"
zipCode "123456789"
city "Chicago"
state "IL"
countryCode "US"

^ These fields may not be available for every customer.

Next Page: Server-Side Implementation